Autodesk 3ds Max 2022 with Offline Help

Autodesk 3ds Max 2022 with Offline Help | 10.5 Gb
Product:Autodesk 3ds Max
Version:2022 with Offline Help *
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Autodesk has released 3ds Max 2022 with a focus on workflow efficiency, enhanced texturing and rendering tools, and more security.
Autodesk 3ds Max 2022 Release Notes - Date: March 23, 2021

Modelling: updates to key modifiers
The main changes in 3ds Max 2022 are iterative updates to the software's modelling tools. The popular Smart Extrude system added in 3ds Max 2021.2 gets two new [Shift]-drag operations to automatically stitch extruded geometry to any part of a mesh it touches, and to cut through the mesh entirely. Several of the key modifiers have also been updated, with the Slice modifier getting a Radial slice option. Holes created by slice operations can also now be capped automatically. The Symmetry modifier gets support for multiple planes of symmetry in a single operation, and the operation to duplicate and repeat geometry around the centre point established by the gizmo. The Relax modifier, used to remove fine surface detail - for example, to clean up raw 3D scan data - gets a new Preserve Volume option to better preserve the original shape. Other modifiers get performance updates: interactive performance of the Extrude Modifier has improved by "up to 100x", and AutoSmooth has been "significantly" improved
Texture baking: new presets for common map types
The new Bake to Texture tool added in 3ds Max 2021 for baking texture maps for games and real-time work gets a set of 12 new pre-configured maps. It includes common map types including AO, color, emissive, material ID, metalness, normal, opacity, roughness, rounded corners and vertex color, and is intended to streamline the baking process.
Viewport and rendering: new viewport AO controls and render configuration UI
Display and rendering changes include the option to set ambient occlusion sampling for the viewport, and a new keyboard shortcut to make floating viewport windows floating and borderless. The native Render Configuration and Quicksilver Render Configuration windows get new, more responsive Qt-based interfaces. The 3ds Max to Arnold plugin has also been updated, with MAXtoA adding support for the new features introduced in Arnold 6.2 earlier this year, including the new post effect nodes like the Light Mixer.
Updated security features
3ds Max 2022 also introduces new security features: the second update in a row to do so, after a report from cybersecurity Bitdefender suggested that the software had been targeted by a 'hacker for hire' group. The software now offers protection against malicious scripts embedded in 3ds Max scene files, "whether these scripts use MAXScript, Python, or .NET commands". The bundled Security Tools plugin has also been renamed 'Scene Security Tools' and is now integrated into the Preferences dialog's security tab.
Taking speed and security one step further.
Focused on workflow efficiency, easy-to-use texturing and rendering tools, and a safer, more secure workspace environment, 3ds Max brings you new rendering capabilities in Arnold, a new Bake to Texture functionality, and enhancements to popular modeling tools
Workflow Efficiency
- Smart Extrude Enhancements - Smart Extrude now features two new operations when performed with a Shift+Drag extrusion on an Editable Poly or Edit Poly modifier
- Slice Modifier - The Slice modifier has been updated with a number of new features to aid modeling tasks.
- Symmetry Modifier Enhancements - The Symmetry modifier has been improved to make modeling faster and easier.
- Relax Modifier Enhancement - The Preserve Volume option smooths fine detail and noise on your model while retaining its shape and definition.
- Extrude Modifier Enhancements - The Extrude Modifier has been improved to achieve better results quickly and interactively.
- Autosmooth Function Improvement - Autosmooth has been significantly improved, providing performance gains whether smoothing a thousand faces or a million.
Accessible Texturing and Rendering
- Arnold Renderer: MAXtoA - This version of 3ds Max includes MAXtoA based on Arnold
- Rendering Improvements - 3ds Max 2022 includes a number of improvements to make rendering easier and faster.
- Bake to Texture - Bake to Texure now includes a selection of pre-configured maps to streamline frequent baking operations.
- Viewport Improvements - The viewport now features more control over ambient occlusion and floating viewport windows.
Safe and Secure Environment
- Security Improvements - 3ds Max 2022 includes a number of security improvements to protect your 3ds Max scenes and files.
Resolved a crash bug when using the Make Preview function and using every nth frame option to render every other set of frames. MAXX-60580
Camera Preview now validates if DOF is applicable to the camera before attempting to apply to the preview (which might cause 3ds Max to crash) MAXX-60720
Knots can no longer shoot past the limit and give the appearance of a twisting segment when Spline Chamfer is applied MAXX-60670
Fixed a crash that occurred when canceling the saving of a material library or MCG graph while closing a 3ds Max session. MAXX-55339
Fixed issue with being unable to set the active project either from the menu or Projects toolbar. MAXX-46830
Fixed crash when a NoteTrack instance is assigned to more than one object. MAXX-56202
Civil View materials have all been updated to use Physical Materials, all unsupported legacy materials have been removed. MAXX-57084
Fixed an issue where function published interfaces were not available in Maxscript when the plugin that defined was loaded after 3ds Max's startup. MAXX-61190
Fixed executeScriptFile to work as documented MAXX-58281
Fixed MAXScript error when expanding Modifiers > Parametric Deformers menu in 3ds Max running with non-English language pack. MAXX-59055
MAXScript slider now accurately handles the full range of integer values. Added spinner and slider properties 'min' and 'max'. These properties specify the min and max values and the value type matches the spinner/slider value type. MAXX-48860
Material Editors
Samples in Material Editor are basic Physical materials for Max.ART and DesignVIZ.ART styles. MAXX-55885
When working in Editable Poly or an Edit Poly modifier, Ctrl+Shift will properly clone an object when using the Rotate transform tool to be consistent with other transform clone actions. MAXX-61867
HSDS modifier no longer displays geometry that has been removed or deleted (dead faces) from other 3ds Max operations. As a result the HSDS modifier will display the correct mesh data and will no longer crash. MAXX-61712
When performing a Symmetry operation on a Poly object, the Symmetry modifier will now perform an enhanced set of welding operations to ensure that small faces on the symmetry plane are now properly merged so that there are no duplicates on non-legacy scenes. MAXX-61460
Using the maxscript command "numKnots" will now once again work on spline class objects that are not an Editable Spline. MAXX-61412
Resolved a crash issue with MNMesh where the "diag" pointer needs to be retained if a face ends up being a triangle after null edges are removed and the face is later restored. MAXX-60378
Improved performance of the Extrude modifier to significantly boost the speed of the initial extrude calculation and provided enhanced interactivity to tweak and hone in on the extrude amount that is desired. MAXX-61055
Improved how the Boolean compound object's constructs map channels to improve stability when working with other modifiers inside of 3ds Max. MAXX-60762
Path Deform now has the correct tooltip for "Preserve By Elements" MAXX-60853
Improved stability with the Vertex Weld modifier when dealing with meshes that are not filled-in. MAXX-60771
Improved handling of Smart Extrude results when dealing with not perfectly collinear faces in the operand results MAXX-60780
Improved stability when deactiviting the Optimize feature on an Edit or Editable Spline MAXX-54387
Fixed a crash error that can occur when using TextPlus, Normalize Spline, and Bevel Profile MAXX-60726
The text on the "Working Pivot" caddie can now be localized to various languages MAXX-60417
Improved stability by resolving an issue with how Mesh and MNMesh operations generate their normals. Specified normals were not always properly cleared and then recalculated with OpenSubDiv and Turbosmooth modifiers when subdividing, this could cause issues with the mesh display of the object in the viewport that are now properly handled MAXX-58035
Specified normals are copied and fully set to the proper specified normal parent pointer with Mesh class instances MAXX-60143
Improved mesh data generation when using the Weld modifier to always produce clean results MAXX-56285
Fixed an issues where Turn To Poly could crash 3ds Max in some scenes when used in conjunction with keep face convex MAXX-57889
Optimized how Remove Edge and Remove Vertex operate in Editable Poly and the Edit Poly modifier to make these operations more performant. MAXX-60951
Improved calculations to the AutoSmooth function in 3ds Max to optimize the performance of this function so that it does not process unneeded faces when using Editable Poly, Edit Poly, Chamfer, Editable Mesh, Edit Mesh, Smooth, and ProOptimize MAXX-61060
Resolved an issue with the ProOptimize modifier where it could get into a circular loop when there were Edit Poly modifiers above and/or below it. MAXX-60702
Improved how the AutoSmooth function works on render spline based objects (Splines, DWG) so that it does not process so unneeded faces while still providing the same expected results. This fix should increase the performance of this operation when it is applied. MAXX-53885
Improved calculations to the AutoSmooth function in 3ds Max to optimize the performance of this function so that it does not process unneeded faces when using Editable Poly, Edit Poly, Chamfer, Editable Mesh, Edit Mesh, Smooth, and ProOptimize. MAXX-60666
RealTime Workflows
Ctrl+I or Ctrl+D to invert or deselect maps in BTT may affect bake queue instead of map list. MAXX-59421
The presence of Surface Maps in the baking queue may trigger unintended warning messages for other objects in the queue. MAXX-61388
Bake to Texture creates new bitmap nodes in SME for every bake iteration rather than re-using previously created bitmap nodes MAXX-60934
Stability issues related to loading Render Presets MAXX-61154
Bake Maps that are dependent on 3rd party plugins or rendering engines are removed from scene when the plugin is not loaded. MAXX-60584
Baking process can reset Slate Material Editor node layout. MAXX-60932
Fixed the slow opening of the Render Setup UI. MAXX-44378
Removed bad URL from OSL shaders "ToonWidth" and "Threads". MAXX-60837
Fixed the regression of the rendering time for ART. MAXX-48693
Solved Area Photometric lights casting incorrect shadows with Sun&Sky and ART. MAXX-54623
Solved slow rendering time with ART when the scene has emissive objects as the light source. MAXX-54969
(Arnold) Fixed incorrect texture path for HDRI Lights. MAXX-61020
Fixed wrong display in the Viewport>Standard mode for Bitmaps>Tile checkbox. MAXX-60297
Names of maps will now appear in errors as expected. MAXX-59977
Improved robustness of MaxSDK::Array class template by expressing conditions on the template parameter type as static asserts. MAXX-58560
Improved performance of MaxSDK:Array when inserting large number of elements into it. MAXX-56057
Scene Converter
Vray materials will now convert correctly if Fog Color is not white. MAXX-60124
Dockwidgets created via MaxScript maintain the correct/initial size. MAXX-55991
UI display issues on modifier set buttons when command pane is resized MAXX-60186
Command Panel sometimes does not show the Utilities tab at default width MAXX-45663
Snap coordinates display as expected in lower left section of UI as before. MAXX-61353
Fixed USD and Procedural objects highlight in the viewport. MAXX-55529
Fixed USD and Procedural objects highlight in the viewport. MAXX-55969
Fixed USD and Procedural objects highlight in the viewport. MAXX-56752
Fixed wrong display in the Viewport>Standard mode for Bitmaps>Mirror checkbox. MAXX-60145
Known issues and workarounds
Issue: The Load Animation function using XAF files created in previous versions of 3ds Max may not automatically map to controllers that have been renamed in 3ds Max 2022.
Workaround: A workaround is to edit the XAF XML file in a text editor and globally replace controller names to match the new controller names. XAF files created in 3ds Max 2022 will not need this workaround for 3ds Max 2022+. MAXX-62257
RealTime Workflows
Issue: Output to settings may be lost when switching between material types. MAXX-61988
Issue: Baking base color maps with PBR material and scanline will not blend input maps with color values as expected.
Workaround: Use pure white color values when using a color input map to the base color parameter, and pre-multiply any intended blending or tinting into the color input map. MAXX-60824
Issue: Baking a normal map in World space while MikkT tangent calculation is selected in Normal Bump mode preferences may yield unexpected results.
Workaround: Ensure MikkT Normal Bump mode is de-activated when baking normal maps in World Space. It may be activated automatically from Bake to Texture window if MikkT options are selected on a Normal map. MAXX-61733
Issue: Edge artifacts and other unexpected results may be possible when baking with Scanline renderer.
Workaround: Baking with Arnold as a render engine is not known to produce the same artifacts. MAXX-61173
Issue: Some common maps in Bake to Texture will have outputs affected by the alpha component of a material input.
Workaround: Separate RGB and Alpha components from an input when alpha is not required for a material input. MAXX-61982
Issue: The UV channel target set in the Bake to Texture window may reset to "1" when navigating a modifier stack with multiple UV modifiers affecting different channels. MAXX-62198

3ds Maxoffers a rich and flexible toolset to create premium designs with full artistic control. With 3ds Max you can create massive worlds in games, visualize high-quality architectural renderings, model finely detailed interiors and objects, and bring characters and features to life with animation and VFX.
3ds Max 2022 was released as part of a wider series of updates to Autodesk's Media and Entertainment software, alongside Maya 2022 and MotionBuilder 2022. The release updates a number of common modelling tools, including Smart Extrude and the Relax, Slice and Symmetry modifiers; and adds new pre-configured maps to the Bake to Texture system.
3ds Max 2022 | New Features and Updates
Autodeskhelps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.
Product:Autodesk 3ds Max
Version:2022 with Offline Help *
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page
System Requirements:PC *
Size:10.5 Gb
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