Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD 17.40.000-2019 HF013

Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD 17.40.000-2019 HF013 | 5.6 Gb
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. , the leader in global electronic design innovation, has unveiled a new of improvements in hotfix 013 to the Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD 17.40 families of products aimed at boosting performance and productivity through improvements features and big fixed issues.
CCRID Product ProductLevel2 Title
2317991 ADW DBEDITOR Two symbols named Conn1x28_AB and EPC2 disappear from the DB editor.
2337802 ADW DBEDITOR Saving Schematic Model Classification created several copies of the classifications and removed the original
2344239 ADW DBEDITOR Symbol mt41k128m8da disappeared after checking in to EDM
2331095 ADW LIBDISTRIBUTI Schematic symbol missing after undo-checkout in EDM
2347550 ADW PART_MANAGER Part Manager does not see VALUE property changes
2056547 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS 3D model not shown for component with STEP file assigned
2247481 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS Error message for bend operations being disabled in release 17.2 for rigid-flex: Cannot offset planar face to valid body
2299554 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS Error message on starting 3D Canvas and after bending all objects regarding object outside design
2303282 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS Unable to bend design
2345138 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS Bend operations are disabled: Cannot make wires with duplicate vertices
2346811 ALLEGRO_EDITOR 3D_CANVAS 3D Canvas bender engine error due to duplicate vertices
2067211 ALLEGRO_EDITOR CROSS_SECTION The Cross-section Chart view in the Cross-section Editor does not remember its settings.
2228181 ALLEGRO_EDITOR CROSS_SECTION Allegro PCB Editor cross-section, release 17.4-2019: Pressing 'Enter' does not move to next field
2210674 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE BGA component is split on moving between zones
2260964 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Backdrill via replacing fails in release 17.2-2016, HotFix 062 and HotFix 066 but ok in HotFix 050 and Hotfix 065
2291817 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Corrupt .brd file causes Allegro PCB Editor to quit on running database check
2317130 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Message to upgrade appears on opening DRA files created in release 17.2-2016 even if saved in release 17.4-2019
2357413 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Import Sub-Drawing (clipboard) stops responding with Venture license: Completes with warning using PCB Designer license
2037361 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DFM DRC not flagged for soldermask features drawn with a line to pin, via, or shape soldermask features
2079204 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DFM Enabling option to update analysis mode and run DesignTrue DFM wizard causes PCB Editor to exit
2087181 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DFM DFM reporting false positive hole to hole with stacked microvias
2272112 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DFM Mask: Exposed etch area does not work for cline
2341080 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRAFTING Allegro PCB Editor crashes on moving module
2348334 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRAFTING Allegro PCB Editor crashes on Component Move
2271904 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR DRC missing for static shape which has an overlap with Route Keepout
2341989 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR Allegro PCB Editor crashes while performing Update DRC.
2180397 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH OrCAD/Allegro PCB Editor stops responding during add route
2185709 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH Film Area Report stops responding
2341753 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH Random crash of Allegro PCB Editor
2267702 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_SHAPE 'Edit - Split Plane - Create' crashing Allegro PCB Editor
2175472 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS Infinite cursor disappears when dragging a component to a new location.
2184194 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV New Via Array command usage model issues: Clicking to place vias leads to selection of shapes
2242133 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Line arc with line font and width not displaying correctly
2244420 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Highlight SOV is not flagging clines that are within sov_spacing
2293704 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV "Oops" command during 'add rarc' command does not revert back to snap grid of cursor
2304773 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Cross-probe with Capture prevents subsequent part selection in Placement Edit Mode
2309994 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Place -> Via array cannot be placed after preview by clicking on shape in release 17.4-2019
2312593 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Cannot commit Via Array placement within a shape using Single Side option
2315052 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Cross-probing issue when multiple parts are highlighted in Capture, sometimes not highlighted in PCB Editor.
2321401 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Cross-probing issue when selecting multiple parts in OrCAD Capture: Does not highlight those in PCB Editor
2324879 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Rotate with function key followed by 'ix' moves component to unexpected location
2334085 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Data tips not appearing if cursor moved quickly to next element.
2346770 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Unable to place Via array on shape with Array Parameters "Type" as "Single Side"
2347531 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Copy command results in wrong location while using 'oops' followed by new position in release 17.4
2360755 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Rotate with funckey moves Symbol
2366514 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Cross-probe issue in PCB Editor and Capture CIS in release 17.4-2019, HotFix 012: No element found
2132582 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IN_DESIGN_ANA Messaging in command window does not appear in the journal file.
2306827 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IN_DESIGN_ANA Rise Time and GeoWindow max value limitation to 1000mil and 1000ps
2121233 ALLEGRO_EDITOR IPC Exporting IPC2581 from board is not including tolPlus and tolMinus for thickness of TOP and BOTTOM
2295545 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PAD_EDITOR Import of XML for pad stacks not working as expected: Pad files not generated
2286761 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PLACEMENT Not able to place via array around void in release 17.4-2019 while it is working fine in release 17.2-2016.
2309866 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PORTING Allegro PCB Editor performance issue - slowness with Xorg high CPU occupancy rate
2350452 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SCRIPTS Incorrect table (vertical) header popup in release 17.4-2019
2125268 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE When shape outline is located at specific area, shape is not working correctly.
2342307 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE Performing operations such as voiding on shape gives error (SPMHA1-507) stating PolyBool has hit an assert
2308042 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS Color dialog text hidden by checkbox in Allegro PCB Editor light theme
2318019 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS Allegro displays garbled text
2338953 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS Scroll zoom and arrows pan do not work when certain commands are active
2345208 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS Change event does not work well in String field of Grid in form
2351653 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS Cannot switch to other alias or funckey unless command is canceled after setting Alias or funckey for zcopy shape
2353126 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS The POPUP fields in Test Form have a triangle sign
2363394 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_FORMS Padpath text hidden in Allegro PCB Editor in light theme
2257512 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Split view Horizontal and Vertical are mixed up
2262412 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Allegro PCB Editor crashes on using SKILL GRPDrwUpdate() API because GRPDRWDATA->hwnd is not initialized
2265250 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Checkbox not center justified in Grid form in release 17.4-2019
2271500 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Very slow switching between views with infinite cursor
2293753 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Issue with using SKILL in Design Workflow: PCB Editor command does not run if added after SKILL command in a task
2301681 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL The Edit>Text command in the layout is creating cursor overlap while editing the text.
2302399 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Edit Text display issues with insert mode: Not redrawn after text edit done, showing old removed characters
2315467 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL The border option does not work for text fields depending on other fields around it
2322601 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL The cursor disappears when editing a shape area and drag edge if infinite cursor type is being used.
2324334 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Menu entry missing using OrCAD Professional or OrCAD Standard license for Tools - Padstack - Refresh
2337176 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Visibility pane cannot be correctly resized
2338704 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Cyrillic text not shown correctly.
2341742 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL allgro_lock_toolbar resets on restarting Allegro PCB Editor
2341757 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Textbox size is small: Cannot enter value for spacing to align components.
2345084 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL World view not working correctly and does not display cutout with latest hotfix of release 17.4-2019
2347282 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Very slow view loading and redraw in release 17.4-2019 hotfix.
2354524 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Large space in command line between command prompt and typed text
2356220 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Window size is bigger in release 17.4-2019 compared to release 17.2-2016 because of white space
2356985 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL Cannot shrink menus to min size
2357540 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL axlUIWTimerAdd() function not generating elapsed time correctly in release 17.4-2019
2359766 ALLEGRO_EDITOR UI_GENERAL When using Edit > Text in release 17.4-2019, the cursor under the text turns into a gray/white bar
2168386 ALLEGRO_EDITOR ZONES Bend Area also bends the rigid part
2078434 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB CORE Shield Router - cline end caps treated differently than cline-segment end caps
2101020 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB CORE Productivity Toolbox Z-DRC with multiple net classes: script selects only the last two classes in a group
2150291 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB CORE PCB design compare cannot compare Cross-section layer name with space
2075523 ALTM_TRANSLATOR CAPTURE Translation issues with third-party PCB and Schematic
2336558 APD DATABASE AREF degassing for Gerber export
2222216 APD LOGIC Part is not highlighting in Logic -> Edit Part List
2354236 APD UI_GENERAL Manufacture - Artwork: Wire bonds visible when Film view selected
2249404 CAPTURE GENERAL Place Part > Add Library > Browse dialog stop taking key board input after Create PCB Netlist
2199790 CAPTURE NETLISTS Netlisting from command prompt gives different results in release 17.4-2019 and 17.2-2016
2340813 CAPTURE OPTIONS OrCAD Capture changes canvas theme after PDF export
2343788 CAPTURE OPTIONS Export PDF changes color scheme of schematic
2213702 CAPTURE SCHEMATIC_EDI Wire signal, which is part of NetGroup, on top level of a hierarchical design is not shown in signals command results.
2264254 CAPTURE SCHEMATIC_EDI Crystal Report from Capture in release 17.2-2016 does not display Japanese characters correctly
2278930 CLOUD_INFRA COMPONENT_EXT Unable to get parts from third-party Search Provider
2313388 CLOUD_INFRA STARTPAGE Capture starts slowly when Start page is enabled
2332357 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Unable to backannotate or perform 'design sync' from PCB Editor to Capture
2333126 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Design sync fails when the temp folder is missing in root directory
2306359 CONSTRAINT_MGR ANALYSIS RPD Match Group DRC errors occur after refreshing symbol for silkscreen corrections.
2239908 CONSTRAINT_MGR CONCEPT_HDL Cross-probe is not enabled in pre-select and post-select mode in Allegro Design Entry HDL.
2307873 CONSTRAINT_MGR CONCEPT_HDL Cross probing disabled in PCB Editor when adding net to a Class in Constraint Manager.
2238753 CONSTRAINT_MGR DATABASE Pin delays in Constraint Manager showing 3 digits resolution even if pin delay is defined with 4 digits
2351214 CONSTRAINT_MGR ECS_APPLY Importing constraint file in OVERWRITE mode does not delete some ECSETS permanently
2226652 CONSTRAINT_MGR UI_FORMS Release 17.4-2019, Constraint Manager: Height of column headers is too large
2226663 CONSTRAINT_MGR UI_FORMS Release 17.4-2019, Constraint Manager: Cannot auto set column width by double-click
2341522 CONSTRAINT_MGR UI_FORMS Release 17.4-2019: Filtering in CM for Prefix or Suffix does not work
2251671 PCB_LIBRARIAN SYMBOL_EDITOR Drawing or custom shape shows small overlap after reset origin
2306865 PSPICE LIBRARIES QVBICN model issue: Model and implementation pin mismatch and part moved to different library
2345948 PSPICE LIBRARIES Default PSpice component cannot be placed from PSpice Search
2346793 PSPICE LIBRARIES PSpice install has issues finding "XFRM_NONLIN..." parts.
2320996 PSPICE TI_CONTRACT Library update causes simulation errors (ORPSIM-15115 and ORPSIM-15107)
2358318 PULSE ADHOC Allegro System Capture crashing when copying or pasting part or adding new part to design
2359260 PULSE ADHOC Commits are denied and incorrect status/versions displayed in Project pane
2341542 PULSE CORE Versions from Pulse Server using FQDN & Intermediate Cert. Authority (Atom): Control & ad hoc collaboration not working
2262023 PULSE UNIFIED_SEARC Some object types being ignored during release 17.2 to 17.4 EDM database uprev
2356310 PULSE UNIFIED_SEARC Unified Search text color should be much darker in the results section
2329757 PULSE VERSION_ON_SA Pulse tray not launching
2311689 SCM OTHER SCM crashes during port assignment
2339272 SIP_LAYOUT UI_FORMS Latency observed in APD Plus in release 17.4-2019 when running SKILL code
2345888 SIP_LAYOUT WLP Advanced thieving patterns in .gds shifted after stream out
2356097 SIP_LAYOUT WLP Importing external DRCs results in error
1972290 SYSTEMSI COMMON case-insensitive in mcp header editor
2139994 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CAPTURE_IMPOR Importing OrCAD Capture designs fails for spaces in package name
1814813 SYSTEM_CAPTURE COMPONENT_BRO System Capture session log should specify the CDS_SITE path for the current session
2089112 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA Constraints are imported as read-only in System Capture from a DE-HDL design
2242032 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA XNets issues in designs migrated from release 17.2-2016: Cannot add XNets across some resistors after removing
2334411 SYSTEM_CAPTURE HSS_DESIGNEDI Packaging Options for Block dialog, Reference Designators tab: Sample text for both suffix and prefix is the same
1893897 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_DEHDL_ Notes in Japanese from DE-HDL designs do not import correctly into System Capture
1983793 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_DEHDL_ The ground symbol differs from the power symbol
2025950 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_DEHDL_ Broken connectivity on imported ground symbols
1969979 SYSTEM_CAPTURE MISCELLANEOUS 'Power_Group' property not working correctly with System Capture
2006600 SYSTEM_CAPTURE NAVLINKS Placement of navigation links: placed on top of port/off page symbol and inconsistent alignment
2018961 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PERFORMANCE Moving objects and/or groups of objects is very sluggish
2084693 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PERFORMANCE Performance improvement required in System Capture
2114146 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PERFORMANCE Design takes a good amount of time to open
1902347 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT Prints all sheets if one sheet is specified as the print range
2182607 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT System Capture crashing while trying to print
2342128 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT The right edge of the options area is cutoff
2106307 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PROPERTY_EDIT An orphaned VOLTAGE property gets attached to the page border
2080707 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION_FIL Cannot select component that has a block shape drawn around it.
2141023 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SELECTION_FIL Place drawing objects behind the components
2041272 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SMART_PDF Smart PDF displays extra box outline if component is selected
2065768 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SMART_PDF Custom Variable in Table Object not getting passed to PDF
2269518 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SMART_PDF PLM system cannot process older versions of Smart PDF files
2298673 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SMART_PDF Smart PDF crashing when Remote Desktop Connection is used
2318787 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SYMBOL_GRAPHI Pin numbers overlap bubble pin stubs
2082594 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Component Replace should seed the Component Browser with the part's existing properties
2218534 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI 'Auto Create Differential Pairs' command missing from the Tools menu
2221714 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI 'Tools - Auto Create Differential Pairs' menu option is missing
2269532 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Voltage values missing and incorrect names displayed for power symbols
2274042 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Bus tap bit number XY location and symbol colors changing
2354836 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Moving objects causes it to appear very far off the page
2361110 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Moving a border shape with a text box inside causes both to disappear
2193445 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Box object prevents selecting a part in the variant view
2283596 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VERSION_ON_SA Misleading message displayed when a user did not have the required privileges
2010029 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Zoom is too slow when zooming into a smaller area
2209521 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Scalar net name 'synonym' wins and is assigned to bus
2290743 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING ALLOW_4WAY_JUNCTION directive not working as desired.
2340292 SYSTEM_CAPTURE WIRING Net names move automatically when connecting a named net with an unnamed net.
2253244 TOPXP AMI_BUILDER Capability to build standalone Tx or Rx AMI model in Parallel Bus Analysis workflow
2296478 TOPXP GUI Auto-shorting causes duplicate SPICE R element
2305071 TOPXP GUI Difference in results at Tx power with same setup in release 17.2-2016 and release 17.4-2019
2188372 TOPXP SYSTEMSI Channel Simulator results incorrect when IBIS CLK model is different for P/N buffer outputs
2218575 TOPXP TCL Provide Tcl support for editing AMI model parameters in Topology Explorer
2356260 TOPXP TCL Topology Explorer - Tcl commands to automate the entire Sweep Simulation needed

Cadence OrCAD and Allegro 17.4-2019 is a sleeker and more modern version of the OrCAD and Allegro release, with enhanced usability and a slew of new productivity- enhancing features. You get more intuitive and easy- to- use flows that enable optimized schematic- to- board- to- manufacturing transitions. So, whether you design schematics, work with physical layouts, manage or create libraries and parts, or administer ECAD processes, there are features in this release that will benefit you.
Starting with OrCAD and Cadence Allegro PCB - Tutorial for Beginners
Cadence enables global electronic design innovation and plays an essential role in the creation of today's integrated circuits and electronics. Customers use Cadence software, hardware, IP and services to design and verify advanced semiconductors, consumer electronics, networking and telecommunications equipment, and computer systems. The company is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with sales offices, design centers and research facilities around the world to serve the global electronics industry.
Product: Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD
Version: 17.40.000-2019 HF013
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Software Prerequisites: Cadence SPB Allegro and OrCAD 17.40.000-2019 and above
Size: 5.6 Gb
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit) Professional, Windows Server 2012 (All Service Packs); Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2016.
CPU: Intel Core i7 4.30 GHz or AMD Ryzen 7 4.30 GHz with at least 4 cores
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Space: 50 GB free disk space (SSD drive is recommended)
Display: 1920 x 1200 display resolution with true color (at least 32bit color)
GPU: A dedicated graphics card supporting OpenGL, minimum 2GB (with additional support for DX11 for 3D Canvas)
Monitors: Dual monitors (For physical design)
Supported MATLAB Version: R2019A-64Bit (For the PSpice-MATLAB interface)
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