NicksTools Plugin 1.61 for Zbrush ZCS | 5 MB This plugin is a collection of tools to automate, expand and add some much needed features to Zbrush. Place "NicksTools.zsc" file and "NicksToolsdata" folder in your *ZStartupZPlugs and ZPlugs64 directory.
Mirror Animation Script for Maya 2 PY | 8 KB Work with Advanced Skeleton rigs & Truong rigs. Select (animated) control(s) on one side, run the script, animation will be mirror to the otherside.
Hardsurface Basics for 3ds Max +Tutorials 2 MAX | 2 MCR | 2 MP4 Tutorials | 1.53 GB Photon Cannon and modeling approach - Using UV coordinates to deform geometry. Using 3d Studio Max, Zbrush and various scripts and plugins