Begleitung und Therapie straffälliger Menschen

Free Download Begleitung und Therapie straffälliger Menschen By Udo Rauchfleisch
2013 | 127 Pages | ISBN: 3525401299 | PDF | 1 MB
A combination of social and mental problems is typical for the criminal personality and makes a very specific type of accompaniment necessary, the pivotal point being the relationship between client and guardian.The care and therapy of criminals makes great demands on the helper. Both professional and lay helpers may sometimes be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the tasks that confront them and be sucked into an emotional whirlpool. Also, the way criminals sometimes treat their helpers can be very taxing. Numerous examples describe typical situations from caring work and show how important self-reflexion can be, and how the perception of one´s own behavior figures into the work with criminals. This volume is very practically oriented and delves little into theoretical considerations. The first edition appeared in Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag.
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