Gas Lift Systems Design & Optimization A Modern Modeling Approach

Free Download Gas Lift Systems Design & Optimization: A Modern Modeling Approach
by Manickavasakan Nadar
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1955578028 | 306 Pages | PDF | 12 MB
The quest for excellence in applying engineering investigations and setting up best practices with this versatile artificial lift system is ripe with rewards. This keeps engineers engrossed and constantly seeking opportunities for progress. Gas Lift Systems Design and Optimization: A Modern Modeling Approach captures how to optimize gas lifted fields using the modeling tools and communications technology available. Inherent in this text is the logic of a holistic design that assures a comprehensive system methodology. The importance of blending a thorough understanding of fluid properties, fluid inflow capacities (oil, gas, water, condensate), gas lift design options, gas lift supply and production gathering facilities, operation of processing equipment, well and field management strategies, and several related parameters is demonstrated in this solid approach, which enables engineers to apply and achieve excellence in various key performance indicators.A specialized professional book that covers all aspects of production optimization of gas lift systems, it presents efficient and practical ways of designing and managing gas lifted network systems from a field perspective. Gas lift system optimization methods described herein will establish that superior economic benefits can be achieved if each component of the production network is reviewed and optimized, instead of optimizing the well performance alone. Additionally, the book will highlight the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science technologies that are available today to take asset optimization to greater heights and extend the benefits across various assets. Bringing both leading-edge insight and practical methods this will provide you with the practical wisdom to embark on field gas lift system optimization using modern, pragmatic, applied, and proven methods.
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