Multi–valued Logic for Decision–Making Under Uncertainty

Free Download Multi-valued Logic for Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031747615 | 300 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 26 MB
The suggested implementation of multi-valued logics is based on the uninorm and absorbing norm with generating functions defined by probability distributions. Natural extensions of these logics result in non-commutative and non-distributive logics. In addition to Boolean truth values, these logics handle subjective truth and false values and model irrational decisions. Dynamics of decision-making are specified by the subjective Markov process and learning - by neural network with extended Tsetlin neurons. Application of the suggested methods is illustrated by modelling of irrational economic decisions and biased reasoning in the wisdom-of-the-crowd method, and by control of mobile robots and navigation of their groups.
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